Hear Robert's new interview
Earlier this week I visited Baen Publishing's very un-New York HQ, in idyllic Wake Forest, North Carolina, and ironed out January, 2017...

Hear Robert on Radio
From December, 2016 through January, 2017, watch and listen for news of my radio interview appearances around the US and Canada to talk...

Author Guest at LibertyCon in Chattanooga, TN
I guested LibertyCon the weekend of July 8-10. My presentation "Did Science Fiction Murder It's Child?" was particularly rewarding. But...

Recent final research trip to San Francisco
My latest book, The Golden Gate, will be released in January 2017. I recently visited San Francisco to ensure the accuracy of book...

Robert Buettner at the Chicago Society's 2016 Conference
The University of Chicago's Conference titled "Space: Speculation and Exploration" is a day long event. The conference aims to inspire...